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Who has chosen as India's flag-bearer at the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games at Rio?

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Who has chosen as India's flag-bearer at the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games at Rio?
posted Sep 12, 2016 by Ati Kumar

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Devendra jhajharia has chosen as India's flag-bearer for opening ceremony at the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games and Thangavelu Mariyappan, who became only the third Indian ever to clinch a gold medal in the Paralympics, will be the country's flag-bearer at the closing ceremony of the Rio Games here on 18 September.
"Thangavelu Mariyappan will take lead as the flag bearer of the closing ceremony at the Paralympic Games 2016!," the Indian Olympic Association tweeted from its official handle.

answer Sep 17, 2016 by Ananya Saha