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Where is the headquarter of International Cricket Council (ICC) located?

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Where is the headquarter of International Cricket Council (ICC) located?
posted Apr 12, 2017 by Divya Nayak

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The headquarter of International Cricket Council (ICC) is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Originally, the Lord's was the home to Cricket as well as its governing body International Cricket Council (ICC) till 1993. In 1994, the members wanted to stay in London and also expand their facilities but didn't want to pay the UK corporation tax. This scuffle made the members to rethink about their location. After a voting of 11-1 in Dubai's favor, it was decided that the HQ of ICC be shifted to Dubai. This was also an important step because in 2000s, South Asia, predominantly India, was becoming the richest of the boards so it was inevitable to keep power centers far from it. The relocation happened in 2005 and the offices in London were shut down.

The headquarter of International Cricket Council (ICC) is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

answer May 24, 2017 by Ramya