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In athletics, what was the Triple Jump formerly called ?

+1 vote
In athletics, what was the Triple Jump formerly called ?
posted Jun 6, 2016 by Diya Borda

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1 Answer

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Hop, skip and jump

"The hop shall be made so that an athlete lands first on the same foot as that from which he has taken off; in the step he shall land on the other foot, from which, subsequently, the jump is performed."

The current male and female world record holders are Jonathan Edwards of Great Britain, with a jump of 18.29 m (60 ft 0 in), and Inessa Kravets of Ukraine, with a jump of 15.50 m (50 ft 10 in). Both records were set during 1995 World Championships in Gothenburg.


answer Jun 22, 2016 by Reshmi S