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Who holds the record of 100 meter race in Indian National Games in women's category?

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Who holds the record of 100 meter race in Indian National Games in women's category?
posted May 17, 2017 by Rony Chakrabortty

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Rachita Mistry holds the record of 100 meter race in Indian National Games in women's category. She is a professional sprinter from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She hold the 100 metres national record of 11.38 seconds set at the National Circuit Athletic Meet held in Thiruvananthapuram on 12 August 2000. Rachita set her personal best time of 11.26 s for 100 metres in Bangalore on 5 July 2001 and in the process she broke P. T. Usha's long standing mark of 11.39 s set during the 1985 Asian Championships in Athletics in Jakarta.

Rachita Mistry holds the record of 100 meter race in Indian National Games in women's category.

answer Jun 6, 2017 by Anand Huded