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When did Brett Lee announced his retirement from all forms of cricket?

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When did Brett Lee announced his retirement from all forms of cricket?
posted Jun 21, 2017 by anonymous

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Brett Lee announced his retirement from all forms of international cricket on 12 July 2012, having played his first Test in 1999. In his last over, he took two wickets of successive deliveries, however, his hat-trick ball did not result in a hat-trick.

“It’s been an amazing and emotional 20 years and I’ve enjoyed every single moment of it,” the Sydney Sixers star said. “I didn’t bother to do the math on it, but it’s a lot of ice baths, a lot of training sessions, a lot of cricket balls bowled, there’s a lot of flights. But there’s also been a fun.”.

answer Jul 7, 2017 by Prajwal C.m.