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Which football team reached the Super Bowl in four consecutive years (1991-94 ) and lost all of them?

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Which football team reached the Super Bowl in four consecutive years (1991-94 ) and lost all of them?
posted Jul 11, 2017 by Kavyashree

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1 Answer

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Buffalo Bills reached the Super Bowl in four consecutive years (1991-94 ) and lost all of them. They are the only team to win four consecutive conference championships and are the only NFL team to lose four consecutive Super Bowl games. The Buffalo Bills began play as an original franchise of the American Football League (AFL) in 1960. The club joined the NFL as a result of the AFL–NFL merger for the 1970 season.

Buffalo Bills reached the Super Bowl in four consecutive years (1991-94 ) and lost all of them.

answer Jul 31, 2017 by Shyam Chakraborty