The manner football game "Fouls" area unit outlined within the official football game rules is confusing. Basically, "Fouls" aren't solely outlined within the rules regarding "Fouls" however conjointly within the rules concerning "Cards". Therefore, to grasp football game rules regarding "Fouls" you want to conjointly browse football game "Cards".
In each football game match that involves a referee, there area unit a pair of colours of "cards" that the referee can postponement to point serious fouls or behavior that will not be tolerated. The referee carries these cards in his shirt pocket, thus if he reaches for his pocket it is a unhealthy sign for the jock WHO committed the foul. These cards area unit regarding the scale of a card and one is yellow and therefore the different is red. once a card is to run (it is not truly given to the offensive player, it's truly simply shown to him and to everybody else) the referee can stop the sport, decision the player over, postponement the cardboard and write the player's name in his notebook. this can be known as "booking" the player and once it happens the player has been "booked", (e.g., "she was booked"). Any time a Yellow or Red Card is shown, a "direct" or "indirect kick" also will be awarded.
Soccer Yellow Card - A Yellow Card indicates a proper "caution" for any of the subsequent offenses:

- "Unsporting behavior" - this includes laborious fouls; holding Associate in Nursing opponent or deliberately handling the ball for the aim of preventing Associate in Nursing opponent from gaining possession of the ball; faking Associate in Nursing injury; spoken communication things that area unit designed to confuse or distract Associate in Nursing opponent; harassment (such as jumping around, shouting or creating gestures to by choice distract Associate in Nursing opponent; jumping ahead of a free kick, place kick or throw-in; worrying the goalkeeper or attempting to forestall him from swing the ball into play; & adopting a threatening posture), gaining Associate in Nursing unfair advantage by leaning on, climb on the rear of, or holding a mate or the goal; blatant cases of holding Associate in Nursingd actuation Associate in Nursing opposing player or his uniform; any action designed to deceive the Referee; and behavior that within the Referee's judgment is unsportsmanlike or causes an unfair advantage,
- Dissent by word or actions.
- Persistently breaking the principles.
- Delaying the restart of play.
- Defenders failing to remain the correct distance removed from the footballer on a free kick, place kick or throw.
- Entering or re-entering the sphere while not the referee's permission
- Deliberately departure the sphere while not the referees permission.
A player WHO receives a pair of Yellow Cards is given a Red Card & ejected. FIFA rules don't need a player to go away the sphere for the primary yellow card. However, some leagues' rules do. you want to glide by your league's rules.
Soccer Red Card - A player should be shown a Red Card and "sent off" (i.e., created to go away the field) for the seven offenses listed below. A player shown a "Red Card" & sent off might not get replaced throughout that game (i.e., his team should play a player "short" for the remainder of the game; but, in some leagues a player is also replaced if he's ejected for receiving a second Yellow Card). The seven offenses that a player should be shown a Red Card and sent off are:

- "Serious wickedness" (includes Associate in Nursingy use of excessive force or brutality against an opponent once difficult for the ball. Examples embrace a dangerous slide tackle from behind, or Associate in Nursing "over the highest tackle" within which a player raises his foot therefore the cleats might hit a player, or a 2 web-footed tackle that takes down the opponent. FIFA has broadened this definition by spoken communication that "Any player WHO lunges at Associate in Nursing opponent in difficult for the ball from the front, from the facet or from behind victimization one or each legs, with excessive force Associate in Nursingd endangering the protection of an opponent is guilty of great wickedness. For current rules visit, Laws of the sport. The on top of quote is from queries and Answers, further directions for Referees). the principles currently embrace "Decision 4", that says: "A tackle, that endangers the protection of Associate in Nursing opponent, should be sanctioned as serious foul play".
- Violent conduct.
- Spitting at anyone.
- Deliberately touching the ball with a hand so as stop|to stop|to forestall} a goal or to deny a clear goal rating chance (such on prevent a "Breakaway".... this doesn't apply to the goalkeeper at intervals his own Penalty Box).
- Fouling Associate in Nursing opponent to forestall a clear goal rating chance (e.g., holding to prevent a breakaway).
- Using offensive, insulting or threatening language and/or gestures.
- Or receiving a second yellow card in one game.