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In 1952, the first Zamboni to be used in an NHL game was used at a game between which two teams?

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In 1952, the first Zamboni to be used in an NHL game was used at a game between which two teams?
posted Apr 2, 2018 by Sumeet Vyas

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Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs

Before the Zamboni was invented, the excess snow on the ice was cleaned by being pushed off the ice by brooms. The Zamboni is a large vehicle that drives on the ice in between periods and cleans the ice by scraping up all the ice's excess snow and putting very hot water on the ice. The Zamboni is a very slow machine and takes over 15 minutes to resurface the entire ice sheet. The Zamboni's top speed is slower than kilometresters per hour.

answer Apr 3, 2018 by Raghav Choudhary