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Question about length of ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper class file

+1 vote

Our team lead and I recently discussed the pros and cons of breaking up a long source file into multiple source files. I tend to prefer one class per file, because I find the individual files easier to read and easier to find (with ctrl-p in Sublime). On the other hand, our team lead doesnt have issues with long source files. He argues that they are quite common in open-source projects. As an example, he pointed to the ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper class in Rails as a case of a long file with multiple inline classes.

I am curious to learn the intent behind keeping all the contents of Mapper class within a single file. What were the advantages of taking this approach?

posted Sep 8, 2015 by anonymous

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on my case, my reason is simple. I edit a single responsibility, easy for my brain and easy for my tests.

Also I don't buy that argument (it has no argument really); the rails source is not a god : )

Choose what you think is easy for you, why you think it's easy, then justify, demonstrate it.

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