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Folder /run/http-xxx deleted after reboot on Fedora

0 votes

I have added a new service which starts a second httpd instance in fedora 19. The pid of the process is stored in /run/http-xxx directory, and my problem is that this directory disappears after each reboot.

How can I stop the system from deleting this folder in /run?

posted Aug 12, 2013 by Naveena Garg

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/run is a tmpfs and lives in memory
 man tmpfiles.d

1 Answer

0 votes

I have solved my problem by placing the pid file inside the httpd folder (with a different name). But what creates this /run/httpd folder on reboot?

For sure, it is not the httpd server (it would have created the /run/http-xxx folder also).

answer Aug 12, 2013 by anonymous
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