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How to divide an array into two parts so that average of both the arrays are equal?

+3 votes

[1 7 15 29 11 9]

[9 15] [1 7 11 29]

Average of first part: (15+9)/2 = 12,
Average of second part: (1 + 7 + 11 + 29) / 4 = 12

posted Oct 12, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

NOTE 1: If a solution exists, you should return a list of exactly 2 lists of integers A and B which follow the following condition :
* numElements in A <= numElements in B
* If numElements in A = numElements in B, then A is lexicographically smaller than B ( )

NOTE 2: If multiple solutions exist, return the solution where length(A) is minimum. If there is still a tie, return the one where A is lexicographically smallest.

NOTE 3: Array will contain only non negative numbers.

assume the two sets are set1 and set2.

Assume sum of set1 = Sum_of_Set1, with size = size_of_set1.
Assume sum of set2 = Sum_of_Set2, with size = size_of_set2

SUM_of_Set1 / size_of_set1 = SUM_of_Set2 / size_of_set2
SUM_of_Set1 = SUM_of_Set2 * (size_of_set1 / size_of_set2)

total_sum = Sum_of_Set1 + Sum_of_Set2
AND size_of_set2 = total_size - size_of_set1

Sum_of_Set1 = (total_sum - Sum_of_Set1) * (size_of_set1 / (total_size - size_of_set1))
OR on simplifying,

total_sum / Sum_of_Set1 - 1 = (total_size - size_of_set1) / size_of_set1
total_sum / Sum_of_Set1 = total_size / size_of_set1
Sum_of_Set1 / size_of_set1 = total_sum / total_size

Note that you need the solution with minimum size_of_set1 if multiple solutions exist.
So, just iterate on size_of_set1.
Based on size_of_set1, you can determine the value of Sum_of_Set1.

Then after you can memoise this relation -

isPossible(ind, current_sum, current_size) =

isPossible(ind + 1, current_sum, current_size) [ Do not include current element ]
isPossible(ind + 1, current_sum - value_at(ind), current_size - 1)

vector<vector<vector<bool> > > dp;
vector<int> res;
vector<int> real;
int total;

bool isPossible(int idx, int sum, int len)
    if (len == 0) return (sum == 0);
    if (idx >= total) return false;

    if (dp[idx][sum][len] == false) return false;

    if (sum >= real[idx])
        if (isPossible(idx + 1, sum - real[idx], len - 1)) return true;

    if (isPossible(idx + 1, sum, len)) return true;

    return dp[idx][sum][len] = false;

vector<vector<int> > avgset(vector<int> arr) 
    sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());
    real = arr;

    int total_sum = 0;
    total = arr.size();

    for(int i = 0; i < total; ++i)
        total_sum += arr[i];

    dp.resize(real.size(), vector<vector<bool> > (total_sum + 1, vector<bool> (total, true)));

    // We need to minimize size_of_set1. So, lets search for the first size_of_set1 which is isPossible. 
    for (int i = 1; i < total; i++)
        // Sum_of_Set1 has to be an integer
        if ((total_sum * i) % total != 0) continue;
        int Sum_of_Set1 = (total_sum * i) / total;
        if (isPossible(0, Sum_of_Set1, i))
            // Ok. Lets find out the elements in arr, not in res, and return the result.
            int ptr1 = 0, ptr2 = 0;
            vector<int> res1 = res;
            vector<int> res2;
            while (ptr1 < arr.size() || ptr2 < res.size())
                if (ptr2 < res.size() && res[ptr2] == arr[ptr1])

            vector<vector<int> > ans;
            return ans;

    vector<vector<int> > ans;
    return ans;
answer Oct 19, 2015 by Mohammed Hussain
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