The fundamental premise of redux is that the entire state of the application is represented in a single JavaScript object called a store, or application store, that can be acted upon using special functions called reducers.
Ng2Redux lets you easily connect your Angular 2 components with Redux, while still respecting the Angular 2 idiom.
Features include:
The ability to access slices of store state as Observables
Compatibility with existing Redux middleware and enhancers
Compatibility with the existing Redux devtools Chrome extension
A rich, declarative selection syntax using the @select decorator
Node Install CMD
npm install --save redux ng2-redux
In redux, user events are captured and emitted up to a reducer for processing. In Angular 1.x, it was a very common anti-pattern to see bloated controllers with large chunks of logic dedicated to manage local state. By moving logic that can directly manipulate state to reducers, the burden placed upon our components become negligible. In Angular 2, you will often see dumb controllers who do nothing more than capture an event and emit it via output to its parent controller.