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Whats is core difference between Firewall and Proxy Server?

+3 votes
Whats is core difference between Firewall and Proxy Server?
posted Dec 6, 2015 by Kali Mishra

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

A firewall and a proxy server are both components of network security. To some extent, they are similar in that they limit or block connections to and from your network, but they accomplish this in different ways. Firewalls can block ports and programs that try to gain unauthorized access to your computer, while proxy servers basically hide your internal network from the Internet. It works as a firewall in the sense that it blocks your network from being exposed to the Internet by redirecting Web requests when necessary.

answer Dec 7, 2015 by Shishir Chaudhary
0 votes

Firewalls are a typical security measure, good for on-point security on a computer-by-computer basis. However, proxy servers can help manage networks on an entire network scale. Firewalls reflect a direct management of connections, while proxy servers reflect a control and routing of connections. And while both function in different ways, both can function separately or together as network security solutions.

answer Dec 6, 2015 by Rajan Paswan
0 votes

Lets first understand what is proxy server and then its easy to understand the firewall -

Proxy is a men in the middle so when we try to access a node in which proxy server is coming we send the request to proxy and proxy to external world. Take an example of office where single connection is used for the internet by a number of employees. Each computer in the local net has the private IP and when we access the website in outside network. Request first go to the proxy and proxy hides the private ip (src-ip) and replace it with the public IP (it is called netting) and request go to the external website. And in the return path public-ip of proxy (dst-ip) is replaced with the private ip of the destination computer and packet gets delivered.

Except man in the middle both are same i.e. providing security in the network.

answer Dec 7, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
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