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How can we represent a stack and a queue by using only one single dimensional array?

+2 votes
How can we represent a stack and a queue by using only one single dimensional array?
posted Dec 12, 2015 by Maninder Bath

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1 Answer

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QUEUE: If you are using this data structure then first entered data should be move out first.
STACK : If you are using this data structure then last entered data should be move out first.

int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

/* Queue variable initialization */
int enqueueIndex = 0;
int dequeueIndex = 0;

/ * Queue operation logic */
enqueue (arr[enqueueIndex++], data1);
enqueue (arr[enqueueIndex++], data2);
enqueue (arr[enqueueIndex++], data3);

This time value of "enqueueIndex" is 3. If you want to remove element from queue then
while (dequeueIndex < enqueueIndex)
value = dequeue (arr[dequeueIndex++]);

/* Stack variable initialization */
int pushIndex = 0;
int popIndex = 0;

/* Stack operation logic *./
push (arr[pushIndex++], data1);
push (arr[pushIndex++], data2);
push (arr[pushIndex++], data3);

popIndex = pushIndex -1;
while (popIndex < = 0)
value = pop(arr[popIndex--]);

answer Dec 12, 2015 by Harshita