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Gy Specifications related query for LTE

+1 vote

I am going through the 32.299 and trying to figure out the contents of the CCR message.

Section 6.4.2 lists the AVPS in that message, I am looking for how the PCEF sends the "used bytes" to OCS. The "Multiple services credit control" looks like the one. But need some inputs and help on this AVP. Or please correct me if I am wrong.

posted Dec 17, 2015 by Pdk

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2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer


You guessed it right. MSCC is the AVP which conveys the information to OCS for the used data.

Peeyush Sharma

answer Dec 17, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
Thanks a lot Peeyush,

Just to add what i wrote above, I think the "Used Service Unit" AVP is the one inside this AVP, which can be used to convey the number of octets consumed by the PCEF.
Yes, as the name suggest :)
Now another question (it looks like never ending )
lets say we have counter 1, for a subscriber1, configured in SPR. Lets say this counter1 indicates that the QOS is throttled from 520kbps to 220kbps, when the usage exceeds the lets say 50MB in one month. This is what i understood..Now my query, is does this apply to only GBR bearers in the Subscriber ? And does it apply to all the dedicated GBR bearers ?
How is it applicable for the non GBR bearers ?

Also the PCEF, needs to send the CCR to OCS, i am not able to see how the PCEF is configured to trigger these reports back to OCS. (Is it by the CCA sent by the PCRF, that triggers this reporting from PCEF to PCRF ?)

May be I put this as a new question
+1 vote

PGW will send Consumed Data for a particular rating group and service id combine in Used Service Unit AVP under MSCC AVP in two scenarios.
First when the Data threshold is reached.Lets say initially OCS grants Total-cc-octets:10000 octets in GSU AVP for the given rating group and service id.Now network operator depending on its Credit Management ,configured in PGW that if suppose 20% of the total GSU left than trigger a CCR-U towards OCS on Gy interface.This CCR-U will contain Used Service Units as 8000 and Reporting Reason as Threshold Reached under the MSCC and also Request for more octets.

2nd scenarios is that when the session ends,in this case also PGW reports consumed octets in Used Service Units AVP under MSCC level.

Hope it will clarify Your doubts.

answer Oct 16, 2016 by Sanjeet Singh
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+1 vote

Hi all,

We have complexity linked to Gy and Gx interfaces.

Let's say that we have two rules configured as static on PGW with :

Rule1= Reports RatingGroup1
Rule2= Reports RatingGroup2

When PCRF install Rule 1 on Gx, the ratingGroup reported by PGW to OCS is RatingGroup1
When PCRF uninstal Rule1 then install Rule2, the ratingGroup reported by PGW remain RatingGroup1 till a Gy trigger is reached (revalidation time, GSU consumption...).
Then the problem on our system is that when PCRF change the rules on Gx interface the PGW keep reporting the old rating group on Gy interface ie: Gx change do not lead to a Gy change similtanously. I m wondering if there is a standard behaviour for such a use case?

Thanks a lot

+2 votes

Lets say we have counter 1, for a subscriber1, configured in SPR. Lets say this counter1 indicates that the QOS is throttled from 520kbps to 220kbps, when the usage exceeds the lets say 50MB in one month. This is what i understood..Now my query, is does this apply to only GBR bearers in the Subscriber ? And does it apply to all the dedicated GBR bearers ?
How is it applicable for the non GBR bearers ?

Also the PCEF, needs to send the CCR to OCS, i am not able to see how the PCEF is configured to trigger these reports back to OCS. (Is it by the CCA sent by the PCRF, that triggers this reporting from PCEF to PCRF ?)

+2 votes

I have a question regarding the mapping the Policy counter to Bearers.

Does Policy counter relates to subscriber or it relates to services. I mean how the OCS manages the poilicy counter..
And how it maps to bearers

Lets say we have default bearer which is used for the internet browsing and dedicated bearer for voice.

Now lets say we have Policy counter id1 for subscriber 1, which says the "service as Internet" ..And lets say APN-AMBR (for internet is 5 Mbps upto 5GB ) and 2 Mbps for more than 5GB.

Now in the OCS , we configure for
Policy counterid1: status 5 Mbps upto 5GB and 2 Mbps for more than 5GB.

And on registration, CCR is sent by PGW to PCRF, which inturn sends the SLR with Policy counter id1 with session Id lets say Sysession1

Now the PCRF sends the CCA to PGW with "service type as Internet", Metering method as "volume" and Rating Group some random value. But there is no way to indicate to PGW about the details of counter like on counting 5Mb, it needs to send the CCR-U to OCS. Or lets say on every 2MB PGW indicates to OCS. The Gy session is created for each bearer ? (i.e one for default bearer here and may be another for dedicated bearer related to that..)

On reaching the 5MB limit, the OCS, sends the SNR to PCRF with the Sysession1.

And when the IP CAN is terminated, CCR-T is sent to OCS and also to PCRF by PGW. PCRF inturn sends the STR to OCS.

Now my Q is about a for 2nd APN for the same subsribers, whatabout the Gy and Sy interfaces, are they reused ?

And whatabout the dedicated bearers related to first APN, will they be using the same Gy and Sy interfaces ?

thanks a lot. Any help or any hints in this very helpful for me to correct my understanding and which will correct my code and finally test it !!!

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+4 votes


I have been able to write a standalone basic PCRF code in our software.

I had also written them using the Gx and RX interfaces (i.e using the diameter protocol). There was no time to test this feature.

Now I find flaws in my design regarding the Diameter while testing.

Initially the SIP (i.e ike IMS) was sending the request to PGW to create the voice bearer. Now my initial implemetation of Rx i thought the TFT was calculated in the SIP and sent across in the RX, but now when revisiting the code, i feel, that there was no such parameter to pass this info to the PCRF from SIP.

Now my doubt is, how this info related to TFT is being passed across to PCRF. Is it through the "Flows".
If so how to get the TFT in the PCRF to send back to PGW...I have missed this part of the design as i was looking more into the QOS..

Any help is greatly appreciated.

