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Search in Mongodb using PHP?

+3 votes

I am very new to mongodb, my requirement is need to search a value in two fields. ex: first_name, last_name

I am using PHP as serverside and mongodb as backend.

Can you please suggest, How can I write the query in PHP.

Below is the things, I tried to implement but not succeeded.

  { $project: { userName: { $concat: [ "$first_name", " - ", "$last_name" ] } } }
posted Dec 21, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

You probably don't want to use an aggregate here but if you do you'll want to use a $match clause to search two fields. You query above will return all rows concatenating the two names fields you mention.
Example : insert these data

db.users.insert ( { first_name: "Salil", last_name: "Kumar Agrawal" } );
db.users.insert ( { first_name: "Shivam", last_name: "Kumar Pandey" } );

Using a standard find...

 db.users.find( { first_name: "Shivam", last_name: "Kumar Pandey" } );


 "_id" : ObjectId("567902a425d93f0f90c5bc9c"),
 "first_name" : "Shivam",
 "last_name" : "Kumar Pandeyl"

Using aggregate...

db.users.aggregate([ { "$match": { first_name: "Shivam", last_name: "Kumar Pandeyl" } } ]);


 "_id" : ObjectId("567902a425d93f0f90c5bc9c"),
 "first_name" : "Shivam",
 "last_name" : "Kumar Pandeyl"

Your aggregate query returns the following...

{ "_id" : ObjectId("567902a425d93f0f90c5bc9c"), "userName" : "Salil - Kumar Agrawal" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("567902b325d93f0f90c5bc9d"), "userName" : "Shivam - Kumar Pandey" }
answer Apr 30, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey
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