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What is the difference between for(;;) and while(true)? Which is preferable and why?

+3 votes
What is the difference between for(;;) and while(true)? Which is preferable and why?
posted Jan 3, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

–1 vote

Both the control statements are used for infinite loop. for(;;) is an unconditional loop statement. While needs a condition which can be controlled by user even at the run time. It is the matter of choice what a programmer likes on a particular condition. I prefer to use while (true) {} .

answer Jan 4, 2016 by Harshita
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typedef void (*ptr)(void);
void fun (void)
    printf("\n In fun\n");
int main()
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    funptr1 = fun;
    funptr2 = *fun;
    funptr3 = &fun;
    return 0;


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     In fun

     In fun

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