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SVN merge for large number of files

+1 vote

I have 30 files that I want to merge, but I do not know which would be the easiest and much efficient and save way to do so.
I have the main production line Z and two other branches X and Y. All of the branches are still in production since X and Y are minor releases. Therefor on a time frame they are look this:
Z - trunk, next major releaseY - next minor release (Z - Y = small changes)X - used to make patches for an old release
The idea is that between Z and Y arent so many differences, but between X and Y(or Z) are plenty. There was a fix in the X branch that needs to be back ported into Z and Y. I am using svn merge to merge changes from X to Y, but because of the big differences I think it adds even code that could not be useful in Y, showing as conflicts just a few code blocks/file. which would be the best approach for such a merge?

posted Aug 21, 2013 by Abhay Kulkarni

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