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What is the use of Resources in WPF?

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Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) resources provide a simple way to reuse commonly defined objects and values. Resources in WPF allow you to set the properties of multiple controls at a time. For example you can set the background property on several elements in a WPF application using a single resource.

The best way of defining the resources is on a Window or Page element level. Any resource that you define for an element also applies to their child elements of that element. For example if you define a resource for a Window element that has a Grid as a child element, then the resources defined for the window elements can also be used by the grid element. However, if you define a resource for the grid element, then the resource applies only to the child elements of the grid element.

Syntax for resources in WPF as follows

<elementName propertyName="{markupExtension keyName}">

<!-Content -->


elementName: Name of the element that uses the resource

propertyName: Name of the property that takes its value from the resource

markupExtension: Define type of resource

keyName: key name of the resource, which is unique string to identify the resource

There are two types of resource, namely

  • Static Resource
  • Dynamic Resource


Let's see basics of both resources

Static Resource

We should use the StaticResource markup extension to define the resource as a static resource. The value of StaticResource is determined at the time of loading.

Let's have a sample program, Add the below code snippet in Window1.xaml file inside the Grid


            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="lblbgcolor" Color="Blue"/>


        <Label Name="lbl" Margin="71,44,77,0" Background="{StaticResourcelblbgcolor}" Height="49" />

Above code, Grid control uses the Resources property (<Grid.Resources>) to define resource. SolidColorBrush resource named lblbgcolor defined. lblbgcolor resource is used to set the background property of lable.

Dynamic Resource

Dynamic Resource we use in a situation where we want to change the value of property at run time.

Let's have a sample program, Add the below code snippet in Window1.xaml file inside the Window element


        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="brush" Color="Red" />


    <Button x:Name="btn" Content="Click Me" Click="Button_Click" Background="{DynamicResource brush}" Height="100" Width="100" />

Open Code behind and add the following code snippet

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


    this.btn.SetResourceReference(BackgroundProperty, "brush");


Above code, Window control uses the Resources property (<Window.Resources>) to define resource. SolidColorBrush resource named brush defined. brush resource is used to set the background property of button.

posted Jan 27, 2016 by Jdk

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XAML RepeatButton in WPF

XAML RepeatButton represents a set of repeat buttons. This article shows how to use a RepeatButton control in WPF using XAML and C#. 

Creating a RepeatButton

The RepeatButton XAML element represents a WPF RepeatButton control. 

  1. <Button/>  

The Width and Height attributes represent the width and the height of a RepeatButton. The Content property sets the text of the button. The Name attribute represents the name of the control, that is a unique identifier of a control. 

The code snippet in Listing 1 creates a Button control and sets its name, height, width and content. 

<RepeatButton Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"   
   Name="GrowButton" Width="80" Height="30">  

Listing 1

The default property of a button is Content. The code snippet in Listing 2 creates the same button as created by Listing 1.

<RepeatButton Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"   
   Name="GrowButton" Width="80" Height="30">  

Listing 2

The output looks as in Figure 1

Figure 1

Delay and Interval

The Delay and Interval properties make a RepeatButton different from a normal button. 

RepeatButton is a button that fires Click events repeatedly when it is pressed and held. The rate and aspects of repeating are determined by the Delay and Interval properties that the control exposes.

The code snippet in Listing 3 sets the Delay and Interval properties. 

<RepeatButton Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"   
   Name="GrowButton" Width="80" Height="30"   
   Delay="500" Interval="100" >  

Listing 3

Adding a Button Click Event Handler

The Click attribute of a RepeatButton element adds the click event handler and it keeps firing the event for the given Interval and delay values. The code in Listing 4 adds the click event handler for a Button. 

<Button x:Name="DrawCircleButton" Height="40" Width="120"   
        Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10"   
        Content="Draw Circle"  

Listing 4

The code for the click event handler looks as in following. 

  1. private void GrowButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
  2. {  
  3. }  

Okay, now let's write a useful application. 

We will build an application with the two buttons Grow and Shrink and a rectangle. The application looks as in Figure 2.

When you click and continue pressing the Grow button, the width of the rectangle will continue to grow and when you click on the Shrink button, the width of the rectangle will shrink continuously. 

Figure 2

The final XAML code is listed in Listing 5

<Window x:Class="RepeatButtonSample.Window1"  
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">  
    <Grid Name="LayoutRoot">  
        <RepeatButton Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"   
                      Name="GrowButton"  Width="80" Height="30"   
                      Delay="500" Interval="100"   
        <RepeatButton Margin="100,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"   
                      Name="ShrinkButton"  Width="80" Height="30"   
                      Delay="500" Interval="100"   
        <Rectangle Name="Rect" Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Orange"/>  

Listing 5

Listing 6
 is the click event handlers for the buttons that change the width of the rectangle.

private void GrowButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
    Rect.Width += 10;  
private void ShrinkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  

Listing 6


The GroupBox element in XAML is used to add a header to an area and within that area you can place controls. By default, a GroupBox can have one child but multiple child controls can be added by placing a container control on a GroupBox such as a Grid or StackPanel.

How to create a GroupBox in WPF and Windows phone application,.

The GroupBox element in XAML represents a GroupBox control. The following code snippet creates a GroupBox control and sets its background and font. The code also sets the header using GroupBox.Header. 

  1. <Window x:Class="GroupBoxSample.Window1"  
  2.     xmlns=""  
  3.     xmlns:x=""  
  4.     Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">  
  5.     <Grid>  
  6.         <GroupBox Margin="10,10,10,10" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold"  
  7.                   Background="LightGray">  
  8.             <GroupBox.Header>                  
  9.                Mindcracker Network  
  10.             </GroupBox.Header>   
  12.             <TextBlock FontSize="12" FontWeight="Regular">  
  13.                 This is a group box control content.                  
  14.             </TextBlock>               
  16.         </GroupBox>  
  18.     </Grid>  
  19. </Window>  

The output looks like this.



The RichTextBox control allows you to view and edit text, paragraph, images, tables and other rich text format contents. 

The RichTextBox tag represents a RichTextBox control in XAML. 


The Width and Height properties represent the width and the height of a RichTextBox. The Name property represents the name of the control, that is a unique identifier of a control. The Margin property tells the location of a RichTextBox on the parent control. The HorizontalAlignment andVerticalAlignment properties are used to set horizontal and vertical alignments. 

The following code snippet sets the name, height and width of a RichTextBox control. The code also sets the horizontal alignment to left and the vertical alignment to top. 

<RichTextBox Margin="10,10,0,13" Name="RichTextBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left"   

                 VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" Height="300" />  

Displaying and Edit Text 

RichTextBox control hosts a collection of RichTextBoxItem. The following code snippet adds items to a RichTextBox control.


<RichTextBox Margin="10,10,0,13" Name="RichTextBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left"   
             VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" Height="300">  
            I am a flow document. Would you like to edit me?  
            <Bold>Go ahead.</Bold>                  
        <Paragraph Foreground="Blue">            
            I am blue I am blue I am blue.    

The preceding code generates Figure 1 where you can begin editing text right away.

RichTextBox with editable text

Creating and Using RichTectBox Dynamically 

In the previous section, we saw how to create and use a RichTextBox in XAML. WPF provides the RichTextBox class that represents a RichTextBox control. In this section, we will see how to use this class to create and use a RichTextBox control dynamically. 

The code listed in Listing 1 creates a FlowDocument, adds a paragraph to the flow document and sets the Document property of the RichTextBox to FlowDocument.


private void CreateAndLoadRichTextBox()  
    // Create a FlowDocument  
    FlowDocument mcFlowDoc = new FlowDocument();  
    // Create a paragraph with text  
    Paragraph para = new Paragraph();  
    para.Inlines.Add(new Run("I am a flow document. Would you like to edit me? "));  
    para.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run("Go ahead.")));  
    // Add the paragraph to blocks of paragraph  
    // Create RichTextBox, set its hegith and width  
    RichTextBox mcRTB = new RichTextBox();  
    mcRTB.Width = 560;  
    mcRTB.Height = 280;  
    // Set contents  
    mcRTB.Document = mcFlowDoc;  
    // Add RichTextbox to the container  

Listing 1

The output of Listing 1 generates Figure 2.

Listing 1 doc

Enable Spelling Check 

RichTextBox control comes with spell check functionality out-of-the-box. By setting theSpellCheck.IsEnabled property to true enables spell checking in a RichTextBox


You can set this in code as follows:

mcRTB.SpellCheck.IsEnabled = true;  

Now if you type some text, the wrong word would be underlined with the Red color. See in Figure 3.

RichTextBox with Spell Check Enabled

Loading a Document in RichTextBox
We can use the RichTextBox.Items.Remove or RichTextBox.Items.RemoveAt methods to delete an item from the collection of items in the RichTextBox. The RemoveAt method takes the index of the item in the collection. 
Now, we modify our application and add a new button called Delete Item. The XAML code for this button looks as in the following:  

private void LoadTextDocument(string fileName)  
    TextRange range;  
    System.IO.FileStream fStream;  
    if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))  
        range = new TextRange(RichTextBox1.Document.ContentStart, RichTextBox1.Document.ContentEnd);  
        fStream = new System.IO.FileStream(fileName, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate);  
        range.Load(fStream, System.Windows.DataFormats.Text );  


Data Binding with Controls

The last data binding type we will see is how to provide a data exchange between a ListBox and other controls using data binding in WPF.

We will create an application that looks as in Figure 12. In Figure 12, I have a ListBox with a list of colors, a TextBox and a Canvas. When we pick a color from the ListBox, the text of TextBox and color of Canvas changes dynamically to the color selected in the ListBox and this is possible to do all inXAML without writing a single line of code in the code behind file.

looks like Figure
                                                Figure 12.

The XAML code of the page looks as in following.

​       <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">  
    <TextBlock Margin="10,10,10,10" FontWeight="Bold">  
        Pick a color from below list  
    <ListBox Name="mcListBox" Height="100" Width="100"  
             Margin="10,10,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" >  
   <TextBox Height="23" Name="textBox1" Width="120" Margin="10,10,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  >  
            <Binding ElementName="mcListBox" Path="SelectedItem.Content"/>  
    <Canvas Margin="10,10,0,0" Height="200" Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" >  
            <Binding ElementName="mcListBox" Path="SelectedItem.Content"/>  

If you look at the TextBox XAML code, you will see the Binding within the TextBox.Text property that sets the binding from TextBox to another control and another control ID is ElementName and another control's property is Path. So in the following code, we are setting the SelectedItem.Content property ofListBox to the TextBox.Text property. 


   <Binding ElementName="mcListBox" Path="SelectedItem.Content"/>  

Now the same applies to the Canvas.Background property, where we set it to theSelectedItem.Content of the ListBox. Now, every time you select an item in the ListBox, theTextBox.Text and Canvas.Background properties are set to that selected item in the ListBox.

   <Binding ElementName="mcListBox" Path="SelectedItem.Content"/>  


In this article, I explained how to create and use a ListBox control available in WPF and WP8. We saw how to add items to a ListBox, change item properties and add images add check boxes. In the end of this article, we saw how data binding works in ListBox and how to bind a ListBox with data coming from objects, databases and other controls. 


Now we add a ListBox control and set its ItemsSource property as the first DataTable of the DataSetand set ItemTemplate to the resource defined above. 

<ListBox Margin="17,8,15,26" Name="listBox1" ItemsSource="{Binding Tables[0]}"  ItemTemplate="{StaticResource listBoxTemplate}" />  

Now in our code behind, we define the following variables. 

public SqlConnection connection;  

public SqlCommand command;  

string sql = "SELECT ContactName, Address, City, Country FROM Customers"

string connectionString = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\NORTHWND.MDF;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"

Now on the Windows_Loaded method, we call the BindData method and in the BindData method, we create a connection, data adapter and fill in the DataSet using the SqlDataAdapter.Fill() method.

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
private void BindData()  
    DataSet dtSet = new DataSet();  
    using (connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))  
        command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);                 
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();             
        adapter.SelectCommand = command;  
        adapter.Fill(dtSet, "Customers");  
        listBox1.DataContext = dtSet;  

Data Binding with XML 

Now let's look at how to bind XML data to a ListBox control. The XmlDataProvider is used to bind XMLdata in WPF

Here is an XmlDataProvider defined in XAML that contains books data. The XML data is defined within the x:Data tag. 


<XmlDataProvider x:Key="BooksData" XPath="Inventory/Books">  
        <Inventory xmlns="">  
                <Book Category="Programming" >  
                    <Title>A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET</Title>  
                    <Summary>Learn how to write database applications using ADO.NET and C#.  
                    <Author>Mahesh Chand</Author>  
                <Book Category="Programming" >  
                    <Title>Graphics Programming with GDI+</Title>  
                    <Summary>Learn how to write graphics applications using GDI+ and C#.  
                    <Author>Mahesh Chand</Author>  
                    <Publisher>Addison Wesley</Publisher>  
                <Book Category="Programming" >  
                    <Title>Visual C#</Title>  
                    <Summary>Learn how to write C# applications.  
                    <Author>Mike Gold</Author>  
                <Book Category="Programming" >  
                    <Title>Introducing Microsoft .NET</Title>  
                    <Summary>Programming .NET  
                    <Author>Mathew Cochran</Author>  
                <Book Category="Database" >  
                    <Title>DBA Express</Title>  
                    <Summary>DBA's Handbook  
                    <Author>Mahesh Chand</Author>  

To bind an XmlDataProvider, we set the Source property inside the ItemsSource of a ListBox to thex:Key of XmlDataProvider and XPath is used to filter the data. In the ListBox.ItemTempate, we use the Binding property. 

<ListBox Width="400" Height="300" Background="LightGray">  
        <Binding Source="{StaticResource BooksData}"  
       XPath="*[@Category='Programming'] "/>  
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
                <TextBlock Text="Title: " FontWeight="Bold"/>  
                <TextBlock Foreground="Green"  >  
                        <Binding XPath="Title"/>  

The output of the preceding code looks as in Figure 11.

code behind file



The following XAML code generates two ListBox control and two Button controls.

<ListBox Margin="11,13,355,11" Name="LeftListBox" />  
<ListBox Margin="0,13,21,11" Name="RightListBox" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="216" />  
<Button Name="AddButton" Height="23" Margin="248,78,261,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"  
        Click="AddButton_Click">Add >></Button>  
<Button Name="RemoveButton" Margin="248,121,261,117"   
        Click="RemoveButton_Click"><< Remove</Button>  

On the Window loaded event, we create and load data items to the ListBox by setting the ItemsSourceproperty to an ArrayList

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
    // Get data from somewhere and fill in my local ArrayList  
    myDataList = LoadListBoxData();  
    // Bind ArrayList with the ListBox  
    LeftListBox.ItemsSource = myDataList;              
/// <summary>  
/// Generate data. This method can bring data from a database or XML file  
/// or from a Web service or generate data dynamically  
/// </summary>  
/// <returns></returns>  
private ArrayList LoadListBoxData()  
    ArrayList itemsList = new ArrayList();  
    itemsList.Add("Orange Juice");  
    itemsList.Add("Mango Shake");  
    itemsList.Add("Iced Tea");  
    return itemsList;  

On the Add button click event handler, we get the value and index of the selected item in the left sideListBox and add that to the right side ListBox and remove that item from the ArrayList that is our data source. The ApplyBinding method simply removes the current binding of the ListBox and rebinds with the updated ArrayList.

private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
    // Find the right item and it's value and index  
    currentItemText = LeftListBox.SelectedValue.ToString();  
    currentItemIndex = LeftListBox.SelectedIndex;  
    if (myDataList != null)  
    // Refresh data binding  
/// <summary>  
/// Refreshes data binding  
/// </summary>  
private void ApplyDataBinding()  
    LeftListBox.ItemsSource = null;  
    // Bind ArrayList with the ListBox  
    LeftListBox.ItemsSource = myDataList;  

Similarly, on the Remove button click event handler, we get the selected item text and index from the right side ListBox and add that to the ArrayList and remove from the right side ListBox.

private void RemoveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
    // Find the right item and it's value and index  
    currentItemText = RightListBox.SelectedValue.ToString();  
    currentItemIndex = RightListBox.SelectedIndex;  
    // Add RightListBox item to the ArrayList  
    // Refresh data binding  

Data Binding with a Database

We use the Northwind.mdf database that is provided with SQL Server. In our application, we will read data from the Customers table. The Customers table columns looks as in Figure 9. 

Data Binding
                                          Figure 9 

We will read ContactName, Address, City and Country columns in a WPF ListBox control. The finalListBox looks as in Figure 10. 

                                                            Figure 10

Now let's look at our XAML file. We create a resources DataTemplate type called listBoxTemplate. A data template is used to represent data in a formatted way. The data template has two dock panels where the first panel shows the name and the second panel shows address, city and country columns using TextBlock controls. 

    <DataTemplate x:Key="listBoxTemplate">  
        <StackPanel Margin="3">  
            <DockPanel >  
                <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="Name:"  
                <TextBlock Text="  " />  
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding ContactName}" Foreground="Green" FontWeight="Bold" />  
            <DockPanel >  
                <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="Address:" Foreground ="DarkOrange"   
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Address}" />  
                 <TextBlock Text=", " />  
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding City}" />  
                 <TextBlock Text=", " />  
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Country}" />  



   PART 2: Continuous 

 <ListBoxItem Background="LightCoral" Foreground="Red"   
             FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold">                  
        <CheckBox Name="CoffieCheckBox">  
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
            <Image Source="coffie.jpg" Height="30"></Image>  
            <TextBlock Text="Coffie"></TextBlock>  
<ListBoxItem Background="LightGray" Foreground="Black"   
             FontFamily="Georgia" FontSize="14" FontWeight="Bold">  
    <CheckBox Name="TeaCheckBox">  
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
            <Image Source="tea.jpg" Height="30"></Image>  
            <TextBlock Text="Tea"></TextBlock>  
<ListBoxItem Background="LightBlue" Foreground="Purple"   
             FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold">  
    <CheckBox Name="OrangeJuiceCheckBox">  
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
            <Image Source="OrangeJuice.jpg" Height="40"></Image>  
            <TextBlock Text="OrangeJuice"></TextBlock>  
<ListBoxItem Background="LightGreen" Foreground="Green"   
             FontFamily="Georgia" FontSize="14" FontWeight="Bold">  
    <CheckBox Name="MilkCheckBox">  
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
            <Image Source="Milk.jpg" Height="30"></Image>  
            <TextBlock Text="Milk"></TextBlock>  
<ListBoxItem Background="LightBlue" Foreground="Blue"   
             FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold">  
    <CheckBox Name="IcedTeaCheckBox">  
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
            <Image Source="IcedTea.jpg" Height="30"></Image>  
            <TextBlock Text="Iced Tea"></TextBlock>  
<ListBoxItem Background="LightSlateGray" Foreground="Orange"  
             FontFamily="Georgia" FontSize="14" FontWeight="Bold">  
    <CheckBox Name="MangoShakeCheckBox">  
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">  
            <Image Source="MangoShake.jpg" Height="30"></Image>  
            <TextBlock Text="Mango Shake"></TextBlock>  

Now, the new ListBox looks as in Figure 6.

ListBox with CheckBoxes
                                 Figure 6. ListBox with CheckBoxes

Data Binding 

Before I discuss data binding in general, I must confess, Microsoft experts have made a big mess related to data-binding in .NET 3.0 and 3.5. Instead of making things simpler, they have made them complicated. Maybe they have some bigger plans for the future but so far I have seen binding using dependency objects and properties, LINQ and DLINQ and WCF and ASP.NET Web Services and it all looks like a big mess. It's not even close to the ADO.NET model we had in .NET 1.0 and 2.0. I hope they clean up this mess in the near future.

When it comes to data binding, we need to first understand the data. Here is a list of ways a data can be consumed from:

  • Objects
  • A relational database such as SQL Server
  • A XML file
  • Other controls

Data Binding with Objects

The ItemsSource property of a ListBox binds a collection of IEnuemerable items such as an ArrayList to the ListBox control. 

// Bind ArrayList with the ListBox  
LeftListBox.ItemsSource = LoadListBoxData();  

private ArrayList LoadListBoxData()  
    ArrayList itemsList = new ArrayList();  
    itemsList.Add("Orange Juice");  
    itemsList.Add("Mango Shake");  
    itemsList.Add("Iced Tea");  
    return itemsList;  

Sample: Transferring data from one ListBox to Another 

We've seen many requirements where a page has two ListBox controls and the left ListBox displays a list of items and using a button we can add items from the left ListBox and add them to the right side ListBoxand using the remove button we can remove items from the right side ListBox and add them back to the left side ListBox

This sample shows how to move items from one ListBox to another. The final page looks as in Figure 7. The Add button adds the selected item to the right side ListBox and removes from the left side ListBox. The Remove button removes the selected item from the right side ListBox and adds back to the left sideListBox.

                                                                           Figure 7

add remove
                                                                           Figure 8


PART 4: will update soon
