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TCP : What does mean by TCP finite state machine and how does state transition work ?

+1 vote
TCP : What does mean by TCP finite state machine and how does state transition work ?
posted Feb 27, 2016 by Harshita

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1 Answer

+2 votes

The TCP finite state machine,it can be considered to describe different stages of a connection or life stages. if there is no connection between two TCP device then they both will be in null state and then proceeds through a series of states util a connection is established. Different states cycle of TCP finite machine can be seen in this attached image. It first establish the connections and then it closed when gets signal or something that causes the connection to be closed then proceeds to another states and returns to closed state.


answer Feb 28, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey
Well explained . It would be ever better if you shared the call flow diagrams for TCP connection establishment and termination.