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How to insert an element in the middle of doubly LinkList?

+3 votes
How to insert an element in the middle of doubly LinkList?
posted Mar 9, 2016 by Aditi

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2 Answers

0 votes

1) Find Middle Element. Start from the head and take two pointer move one pointer only by one node and another pointer by two nodes in each iteration. Run the loop till end of LinkList. Pointer 1 will be the middle of the linklist.
2) Now Step 1 will give you the middle of the linklist. Just allocate the node copy the value in the node say it newnode then
pointer1>next->prev = newnode;

I leave the implementation to you as it is very simple exercise.

answer Mar 10, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
–1 vote

newNode->PREV = curPtr

newNode->NEXT = curPtr->NEXT

newNode->NEXT->PREV = newNode

curPtr->NEXT = newNode


answer Mar 10, 2016 by Ashish Kumar Khanna
First you need to findout the middle element, then only you can add element. Let me try out this..
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