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Diameter : From how many ways an established session can be terminated ?

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Diameter : From how many ways an established session can be terminated ?
posted Mar 30, 2016 by Harshita

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1 Answer

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Is the question related to application level session termination of the translport level connection termination?

These are the few ways in which the session could be terminated(keeping both transport and application level)

  1. Client sends the termination message( like CCR-T for Gx and STR from AF)

    1. Server initiates the session termination by sending message (like RAR from PCRF on Gx, ASR from PCRF to AF)
    2. Transport level termination when a node sends Disconnect-Peer-Request from client or server
    3. In case, DWR is not answered by the other node then also the transport level connection is terminated
    4. In case, Origin-State-Id sent in the message is incremented from the previous value then the node receiving the message will know that the peer is restarted and all the session maintained previously are removed

Peeyush Sharma

answer Mar 30, 2016 by Peeyush Sharma