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MongoDB Java driver find() returns exploded ObjectId?

+1 vote

Im just doing CRUD on a mongo database with Java. My problem is when I query the database


I get the documents correctly, but the ObjectId of each document is something like this:

"_id": {
  "timestamp": **********,
  "machineIdentifier": 16375804,
  "processIdentifier": 3908,
  "counter": 9920756,
  "time": 1459641911000,
  "date": "2016-04-03T00:05:11.000+0000",
  "timeSecond": **********

I need to get the 12-byte ObjectId, like this:


How do I do that?

posted Apr 5, 2016 by anonymous

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Can you provide a little more information -
* What version of the Java driver are you using?
* Was it the Java driver that created the ObjectId?
* How are you viewing that ObjectId? (printing it to stdout?)

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