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Diameter: How a Diameter message flows from one Diameter node to another Diameter node by using the peer table ?

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Diameter: How a Diameter message flows from one Diameter node to another Diameter node by using the peer table ?
posted Apr 8, 2016 by Harshita

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Harshita,

From RFC 6733 - Section 2.6 Below fields of Peer Table are required for diameter message flow
1. Host Identity :this field contains the contents of the Origin-Host AVP found in the CER or CEA message.
2. StatusT: This is the state of the peer entry, and it MUST match one of the values(Closed,Wait-Conn-Ack,Wait-I-CEA,Wait-Returns,R-Open,I-Open,Closing).
3. Static or Dynamic:Specifies whether a peer entry was statically configured or dynamically discovered.
4.Expiration Time: Specifies the time at which dynamically discovered peer table entries are to be either refreshed or expired.
5.TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP Enabled: Specifies whether TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP is to be used when communicating with the peer.


answer Apr 8, 2016 by Chinmoy Padhi
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