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Diameter correlation over multiple Interfaces

+2 votes

In case of multiple OCS node with multiple PCRF/PCEF how correlation happen over multiple interface? i.e. how a user call terminate on a specific node.

posted Aug 30, 2013 by Luv Kumar

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Luv, not sure if I understand the question correctly. If you, by different interfaces, mean Gx, Rx etc (ie, interface between P-GW and PCRF, AF and PCRF etc), then "DRA" (Diameter Routing Agent) function defined in 3GPP specs can identify related sessions on different interfaces and forward them to the same PCRF.
If this is of interest, I can provide more pointers.

answer Sep 2, 2013 by Rathnakumar Kayyar
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Rule1= Reports RatingGroup1
Rule2= Reports RatingGroup2

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Thanks a lot

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