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What is cloud computing and where it is used ?

+2 votes

I heard this term so frequently now and days, being a telecom software professional I want to know what this technology is and when it is used ?

posted Apr 23, 2016 by Harshita

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2 Answers

+3 votes

Cloud computing, often referred to as simply “the cloud,” is the delivery of on-demand computing resources—everything from applications to data centers—over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis.
Follow this link to get more details about where it is used and how it works :

answer Apr 26, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey
+1 vote

In day to day basis we use or interact with different kind of computing like desktop computing where you have dedicated hardware resources (RAM, hard disk, network interface card etc) and also an operating system like WindowXp, ubuntu. If your requirement increases which can't be fulfilled with current configuration of your laptop, you may have to buy another machine (hardware as well as operating system).

In case of cloud computing, you don't need to purchase hardware every time and also not to do IT related work networking, OS installation etc. As user you have to just use machine which may not be physically located nearby but using the internet you would be able to do all the things which you can do by using the desktop machine. One more advantage here is based on your requirement or need, network grows and shrink. Based on the usage of cloud resources, service provider will charge you.

In telecom domain, you might have heard about cloud RAN, virtual EPC etc. All those things are related to implementation of telecom nodes or functionalities by using cloud computing.

answer Jul 30, 2016 by Neelam
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