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How to clone a particular revision in GIT?

+1 vote

I can get the latest revision number by command "git describe --tags", but how can I display a list of revisions or a particular revision based on the date of my commit id?

posted May 18, 2016 by Tarun Singhal

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1 Answer

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It's unclear what you are asking because the title mentions cloning and the message text apparently talks about inspecting local

So, assuming you're talking about inspecting local history I invite you to read the "gitrevisions" manual page (run git help revisions) which describes multiple ways to list commits by the dates they were made.

In short, you use git log or its lower-level cousin git rev-list and pass it something like master@{2016-050-18 14:11:00} or use their command-line options "--since" and "--until" to specify a range of timestamps.

Note that accessing commits by date is imprecise by its nature and, while useful sometimes, might indicate you're trying to do something wrong way.

answer May 18, 2016 by Jagan Mishra
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