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packet->transport->asoc = NULL in sctp_packet_transmit

0 votes

I'm adding experimental support for UDP encapsulation of SCTP packets. I got most of if working well. However, I noticed a NULL pointer dereference in sctp_packet_transmit as I assumed that packet->transport->asoc weren't NULL so I tried to access tunneling information that I store in packet->transport->asoc->ep->base.

In what circumstances is assoc NULL in sctp_packet_transmit?

posted Jul 19, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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There may be others, but the case that comes immediately to mind is when you have an error in the construction of a new association (e.g. a state cookie, or an abort during setup). In those cases we call sctp_ootb_pkt_new, which sends a packet with no association associated.

answer Jul 19, 2016 by Seema Siddique
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