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IMS: When the following response codes are used during an established IMS call session ?

+1 vote

Redirection (3xx), Client failure (4xx), Server failure (5xx) and Global failure (6xx) in which scenarios these codes are used ?

posted Aug 1, 2016 by Ganesh

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) uses various response codes under the different categories/scenarios. I am going to explain almost all of those categories as following:
- Informational Response : When the request is accepted, server responds with 1xx. For example: 100 trying, 180 ringing.
- Successful Response: 200 OK or 202 accepted
- Redirection : When further action needs to be taken to complete the request. 301 moved permanently, 302 moved temporarily
- Client Failure : When server found the request received from client is not correct. 401 unauthorized and 403 forbidden
- Server Failure : When server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request. 500 server Internal Error and 504 server time out.
- Global Failure : The request can not be fulfilled at any server. 600 busy everywhere and 604 does not exist anywhere.

Hope it will help you up to some extent.

answer Aug 2, 2016 by Vikram Singh
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