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UDID (Unique Device Identifier ) or Android_ID in network protocol?

+1 vote

Is the UDID (Unique Device Identifier ) or Android_ID transferred through a network protocol (GTP-C, Diameter, MAP, ...)?

posted Aug 7, 2016 by Michael Semama

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2 Answers

+1 vote

I dont think so, however it must be transferred as part of payload or userdata or any container as it is not exposed to the network.

By the way APPLE has stopped accepting the UDID

answer Aug 8, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

Hi, in addition to Salil's answer. I would suggest using Android_Id since you don't need any additional permission for that,

String m_androidId = Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID);

However, sometimes you might have some trouble with having unique Ids. The Id may change on factory reset, flash and rooting of devices.

And for ios you could use UUID instead of UDID.

Hope this helps!

answer Aug 10, 2016 by Vinod Kumar K V
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