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How OpenStack works?

+2 votes
How OpenStack works?
posted Aug 19, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

OpenStack is an IaaS cloud computing project that is free open-source software.

Its mission is to provide a flexible solution for both public and private clouds of any size, and for this matter two basic requirements are considered: clouds must be simple to implement and massively scalable.

To meet these principles OpenStack is divided into different components that work together. This integration is achieved through application programming interfaces – APIs – offered and consumed by each service.

With these APIs, services can communicate with each other and also allows a service to be replaced by another with similar characteristics, only if the form of communication is respected. That is, OpenStack is extensible and meets the needs of those who wish to implement it.

Structure of OpenStack
enter image description here

This is a simplified view of the architecture, assuming that all the services are used in the most standard configuration. Nor illustrates how the cloud consumers can interact with it.

Following components can be seen on the graph

  • “Horizon” Dashboard provides an end user and administrator interface to other services. It is the service I’m currently working ;)
  • “Nova” Compute retrieves images and associated metadata, and transforms user requests on virtual machines.
  • “Neutron” Network provides virtual networks as a service between devices managed by other OpenStack services, such as a virtual machine from Nova. Allows users to create their own networks and then link them to the devices of their choice.
  • “Cinder” Block Storage provides persistent storage for VMs hosted on the cloud.
  • “Glance” Image provides a catalog and a repository for images.
  • “Swift” Object Store provides object storage. This is not a file system, is more like a container that can store files and retrieve them later.
  • “Keystone” Identity provides authentication and authorization for all OpenStack services, and a catalog of these services of a particular cloud.

OpenStack Software Diagram
enter image description here


answer Aug 20, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
Nicely explained. Can you please tell me what is the difference between "Swift" and "Cinder". In the other words, I want to know the difference between block storage and object storage. Any day to day activity would be the best example to differentiate between them, Thanks in advance.
Swift provides the service to store data in remote location and can be accessed through URL while cinder is used to store data in file system. Using block storage a file can be shared among multiple VMs.
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| Variable_name | Value | 
| Handler_read_first | 259573419 | 
| Handler_read_key | ********** | 
| Handler_read_next | ********** | 
| Handler_read_prev | 1235 | 
| Handler_read_rnd | 1951101 | 
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| Variable_name | Value | 
| Qcache_free_blocks | 498 | 
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| Qcache_hits | ********** | 
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| Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 34145019 | 
| Qcache_not_cached | ********** | 
| Qcache_queries_in_cache | 1681 | 
| Qcache_total_blocks | 4949 | 

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