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What is Adhoc Testing and uses of Adhoc Testing?

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What is Adhoc Testing and uses of Adhoc Testing?
posted Aug 22, 2016 by Jdk

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When a software testing performed without proper planning and documentation, it is said to be
Adhoc Testing. Such kind of tests are executed only once unless we uncover the defects.
Adhoc Tests are done after formal testing is performed on the application. Adhoc methods are the
least formal type of testing as it is NOT a structured approach. Hence, defects found using this
method are hard to replicate as there are no test cases aligned for those scenarios.
Testing is carried out with the knowledge of the tester about the application and the tester tests
randomly without following the specifications/requirements. Hence the success of Adhoc testing
depends upon the capability of the tester, who carries out the test. The tester has to find defects
without any proper planning and documentation, solely based on tester's intuition.
When to Execute Adhoc Testing ?
Adhoc testing can be performed when there is limited time to do exhaustive testing and usually
performed after the formal test execution. Adhoc testing will be effective only if the tester has indepth
understanding about the System Under Test.
Forms of Adhoc Testing :
1. Buddy Testing: Two buddies, one from development team and one from test team
mutually work on identifying defects in the same module. Buddy testing helps the testers
develop better test cases while development team can also make design changes early. This
kind of testing happens usually after completing the unit testing.
2. Pair Testing: Two testers are assigned the same modules and they share ideas and work on
the same systems to find defects. One tester executes the tests while another tester records
the notes on their findings.
3. Monkey Testing: Testing is performed randomly without any test cases in order to break
the system.
Various ways to make Adhoc Testing More Effective
1. Preparation: By getting the defect details of a similar application, the probability of finding
defects in the application is more.
2. Creating a Rough Idea: By creating a rough idea in place the tester will have a focussed
approach. It is NOT required to document a detailed plan as what to test and how to test.
3. Divide and Rule: By testing the application part by part, we will have a better focus and
better understanding of the problems if any.
4. Targeting Critical Functionalities: A tester should target those areas that are NOT
covered while designing test cases.
5. Using Tools: Defects can also be brought to the lime light by using profilers, debuggers and
even task monitors. Hence being proficient in using these tools one can uncover several
6. Documenting the findings: Though testing is performed randomly, it is better to
document the tests if time permits and note down the deviations if any. If defects are found,
corresponding test cases are created so that it helps the testers to retest the scenario.

answer Aug 23, 2016 by Shivaranjini