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How to solve this problem using c++ with operations in log complexities for both update and count?

+2 votes

suppose we have an array of N natural numbers and asks him to solve the following queries:-
Query a:- modify the element present at index i to x.
Query b:- count the number of even numbers in range l to r inclusive.
Query c:- count the number of odd numbers in range l to r inclusive.

First line of the input contains the number N. Next line contains N natural numbers.Next line contains an integer Q followed by Q queries.
a x y - modify the number at index x to y.
b x y - count the number of even numbers in range l to r inclusive.
c x y - count the number of odd numbers in range l to r inclusive.
I tried to solve using simple arrays but it isn't doing well for big constraints so I thought to use other DS with efficient algorithm so please explain appropriate algorithm.Thanks in advance.

posted Oct 6, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey

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For Eg : 4 and 6. Answer is 2.
1st operation : -1 -> 4-1 = 3.
2nd operation : * -> 3 * 2 =6.

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24 2 3 4 7

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