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What is the difference between Java’s void and Scala’s Unit?

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What is Unit in Scala? What is the difference between Java’s void and Scala’s Unit?

posted Oct 7, 2016 by Joy Nelson

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1 Answer

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In Scala, Unit is used to represent “No value” or “No Useful value”. Unit is a final class defined in “scala” package that is “scala.Unit”.

Unit is something similar to Java’s void. But they have few differences.

Java’s void does not any value. It is nothing.
Scala’s Unit has one value ()
() is the one and only value of type Unit in Scala. However, there are no values of type void in Java.
Java’s void is a keyword. Scala’s Unit is a final class.
Both are used to represent a method or function is not returning anything.

answer Oct 20, 2016 by Karthick.c
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