What is URL Masking ?
The URL in the browser's address bar is not the actual URL to the content.Causing the browser's address bar to show a URL different than the actual URL of the web page being viewed is one definition of URL masking.
Some of the URL Techniques
1)Using Iframe Tag
2)Using Apache Rewrite Directive (htaccess)
3)Using Web Page Retrieval Software
1)Iframe Tag
An iframe large enough to use up the entire browser window contains the content at a different URL.
The iframe dimensions can be large enough to use up the entire browser window. If the dimensions of the web page being flowed into the iframe are known, the iframe tag can be adjusted to accomodate the page.
2)Using Apache Rewrite Directive (htaccess)
Rewriting URLs in a certain way with the .htaccess file can display web pages from a URL different than the URL in the browser's address bar. However, both the URL in the address bar and the web page being viewed must be located on the same domain as the .htaccess file.
Example :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /pagename.php$
RewriteRule .* /otherpage.html [L]
When the relative URL /pagename.php is matched, then the content found at /otherpage.html is published.
3)Using Web Page Retrieval Software
Software can retrieve a web page and display it in a browser.
Here's example PHP code to accomplish that.
<?php echo file_get_contents("/page.html"); ?>
Replace /page.html in the above code with the page you want to pull in, then save it as a .php file. Upload the file to your server and enter the file's URL into your browser.