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About Tracking.Js?

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What is Tracking.Js?

Tracking.js is an open source computer vision library, with different computer vision algorithms on board. 

The tracking.js library brings different computer vision algorithms and techniques into the browser environment. By using modern HTML5 specifications, we enable you to do real-time color tracking, face detection and much more 

Bower Installer Package

bower install tracking.js

For using Tracker , we need to instantiate the Tracker Constructor 


var myTracker = new tracking.Tracker('target');

Track Example:

myTracker.on('track', function(event) {
  if ( === 0) {
    // No targets were detected in this frame.
  } else { {
      // Plots the detected targets here.

Methods for Controlling Tracking

trackerTask.stop(); // Stops the tracking; // Runs it again anytime​

Video Demo for Tracking.Js

posted Dec 15, 2016 by Manish Tiwari

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They are

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Getting Started
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<div id="buttonContainer"></div>
var element = document.getElementById('buttonContainer');
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Video for DevExterme.JS?​


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The web's JavaScript bloat crisis, solved. 

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  • Super fast, rock solid. Compile-time static analysis ensures the browser does no more work than it needs to.

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<!-- App.html -->
<h1>Hello {{name}}!</h1>
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// main.js
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const app = new App({
  target: document.querySelector( 'main' ),
  data: { name: 'world' }

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Video for Preact


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Node Command

npm install axios

Bower Command

bower install axios


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Video for Axios


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Video for amCharts


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npm install koa

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