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Overview About JSX?

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What is JSX?

JSX is a preprocessor step that adds XML syntax to JavaScript. You can definitely use React without JSX but JSX makes React a lot more elegant. Just like XML, JSX tags have a tag name, attributes, and children.
JSX is a statically-typed, object-oriented programming language designed to run on modern web browsers. ​


  • JSX is faster because it performs optimization while compiling code to JavaScript.
  • It is also type-safe and most of the errors can be caught during compilation.
  • JSX makes it easier and faster to write templates if you are familiar with HTML.

Simple Example

import React from 'react';

class App extends React.Component {
   render() {
      return (
            <p>This is the content!!!</p>

export default App;

Video for JSX

posted Jan 5, 2017 by Manish Tiwari

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Node Commends:

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Simple Code for Button

npm install --save react{/* Colored FAB button */}
<FABButton colored>
    <Icon name="add" />

{/* Colored FAB button with ripple */}
<FABButton colored ripple>
    <Icon name="add" />

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Here is a list of the available components:

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Example Code for Creating a Button

<div className="button-basics-example">
  <Link>Learn More</Link>
  <Link>View All Features</Link>
  <Button color={Colors.SUCCESS}>Save</Button>
  <Button color={Colors.ALERT}>Delete</Button>


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What is React Toolbox?

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Bootstrap your application with beautiful Material Design Components

React Toolbox uses CSS Modules by default to import stylesheets written in SASS. In case you want to import the components already bundled with CSS, your module bundler should be able to require these SASS modules.

Although we recommend webpack, you are free to use whatever module bundler you want as long as it can compile and require SASS files located in your node_modules. If you are experiencing require errors, make sure your configuration satisfies this requirement.

Node Installation

 npm install --save react-toolbox

In this minimal example, we import a Button with styles already bundled:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Button } from 'react-toolbox/lib/button';

  <Button label="Hello World!" />,

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What is React Bootstrap?

React-Bootstrap is a library of reusable front-end components. You'll get the look-and-feel of Twitter Bootstrap, but with much cleaner code, via Facebook's React.js framework. 

React-Bootstrap is a complete re-implementation of the Bootstrap components using React. It has no dependency on either bootstrap.js or jQuery.

You can consume the library as CommonJS modules, ES6 modules via Babel, AMD, or as a global JS script.

React-Bootstrap is compatible with existing Bootstrap themes. Just follow the installation instructions for your theme of choice.

Because React-Bootstrap completely re-implements the JavaScript bits of Bootstrap, it's not automatically compatible with themes that extend the default JavaScript behaviors.

The Bootstrap code is so repetitive because HTML and CSS do not support the abstractions necessary for a nice library of components. That's why we have to write btnthree times, within an element called button.

The React.js solution is to write directly in Javascript. React takes over the page-rendering entirely. 


$ npm install react-bootstrap --save


$ bower install react react-bootstrap

Example Code: For Rending Button

var button = React.DOM.button({
  className: "btn btn-lg btn-success",
  children: "Register"

React.render(button, mountNode);

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