The starting up of angular application are of different methods ,
Manually starting up an angular application is shown below
angular.bootstrap(document, ['MyApp']);
This will work if you have your scripts loaded at the end of the page (instead of in the header).
Otherwise, the DOM will not be loaded at the time of bootrsaping the app
angular.bootstrap(angular.element("body")[0], ['MyApp']);
The same as before, using body as the root of the application. It uses a selector that is not available in jqLite, so you need to have full jQuery included in the app.
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
The above code waits for the DOM to be loaded, so it will work even if you include your scripts in the header.
This is basically the same as jQuery code
, but using jqLite's angular.element.
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['MyApp']);
In the above code, modules are being passed to the bootstrap function, most likely you will need to declare your main module, unless your app consists only on controllers in the global namespace.