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LTE: What messages are exchanged between PCEF and PCRF while establishing dedicated bearer for an UE ?

+3 votes
LTE: What messages are exchanged between PCEF and PCRF while establishing dedicated bearer for an UE ?
posted Feb 5, 2017 by Vikram Singh

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1 Answer

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Hi Vikram,

When the PCEF includes the Bearer-Usage AVP required for the bearer within the CCR command during the IP-CAN
session establishment procedure, the PCRF shall provide the Bearer-Usage AVP back in the response with the
authorized usage.

For example, If the PCEF includes IMS_SIGNALLING within the Bearer-Usage AVP and the PCRF accepts that
default bearer is dedicated to IMS signalling, the PCRF shall include the IMS_SIGNALLING within the Bearer-Usage
AVP. In this case, the PCRF shall restrict the bearer to only be used for IMS signalling by applying the applicable QCI for IMS signalling.


answer Feb 6, 2017 by Chinmoy Padhi
Thanks Chinmoy to share your knowledge.
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