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How to execute an sql query and how to fetch its result in PHP?

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How to execute an sql query and how to fetch its result in PHP?
posted Mar 13, 2017 by Kavyashree

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1 Answer

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This is how we achieve -

for ($attempt=0; $attempt<100; $attempt++) {
      $result=mysql_query($query, $db);

      if (($result===false) && (mysql_errno($db)==1213))
          usleep(10000); // dead with InnoDB deadlock errors by waiting 0.01s then retrying

Now we got the result in $result and we can try the following options -

while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

while ($assoc=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
answer Mar 13, 2017 by Salil Agrawal