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Is it possible to create a table in MYSQL where more then one fields can be defined as Primary key ?

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Is it possible to create a table in MYSQL where more then one fields can be defined as Primary key ?
posted Apr 17, 2017 by Ajay Shetty

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2 Answers

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I hope I understood your question correctly -
1) One table can not have more then one primary key.

create table User(
   name  TEXT  NOT NULL , 
   email  TEXT  NOT NULL ,
   PRIMARY KEY (email)

2) Its possible to have one primary key and rest as keys (unique key).

create table User(
   name  TEXT  NOT NULL , 
   email  TEXT  NOT NULL ,
   PRIMARY KEY (email),
   KEY (email)

3) Its also possible to have a combination of two column as a single primary key where individual value can be repeated in the same table but not the combination

create table User(
   name  TEXT  NOT NULL , 
   email  TEXT  NOT NULL ,
   PRIMARY KEY (name, email)
answer Apr 17, 2017 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes


In MySql there is not possible to two primary key in same table. but you can use multiple unique key in same table.


create table User(
   name  TEXT  NOT NULL , 
   email  TEXT  NOT NULL ,
   PRIMARY KEY (email)
answer Nov 27, 2019 by Siddhi Patel
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