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How can I create an array from a .CSV file using PHP code ?

+1 vote
How can I create an array from a .CSV file using PHP code ?
posted Apr 18, 2017 by Sanjay Mahatma

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The output is in this form

Array (
     [0] => name
     [1] => email
     [2] => contact
     [3] => address 
Array (
     [0] => sant
     [1] =>
     [2] => **********
     [3] => haryana ) 

But I want the output in this form

  Array[1] (
     [0] => name
     [1] => email
     [2] => contact
     [3] => address 
Array[2] (
     [0] => sant
     [1] =>
     [2] => **********
     [3] => haryana
+1 vote

I just wanted to see the best way to securely accomplish this task. When we want to update a DB we upload to a writable directory instead of writing it directly to MySQL, I don't like having writable directories if possible.
Is there a right or better way to accomplish this?

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I am trying to export certain data from my PHP form to CSV. I can echo out to screen during testing and I can also export to CSV the static test data (stored in the $contents array) you see below. But I am stuck trying to export the certain fields that I only need to export.
This is my code

// How do I get this info into the CSV?
/*foreach ( $entries as $entry ) :  
    echo $entry['2'];
    echo $entry['3'];
    echo $entry['6'];

$csv_headers = [
    'Organisation Name',
    'Registered Charity Number',

$contents = [
  [2014, 6, '1st half', '', 0, 0],
  [2014, 6, '1st half', '', 0, 0],
  [2014, 6, '1st half', '', 0, 0],
  [2014, 6, '1st half', 'tim', 0, 0]

fputcsv($output_handle, $csv_headers);

foreach ( $contents as $content) :
    fputcsv($output_handle, $content);
0 votes

The problem is that some of the fields contain commas, but they are inside double quotes.


sort -t, -k1,1 -k3,3 -k2,2 SomeFile.csv > OutputFile.csv

A line could look something like this:
This is the first field,"This is, well, the second field",The third field could look like this

That line has three fields:
1: This is the first field
2: "This is, well, the second field"
3: The third field could look like this

But sort consider it to have five fields:
1: This is the first field
2: "This is
3: well
4: the second field
5: The third field could look like this

How would you solve this?
