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What are the factors one need to consider while making the strategy for code coverage from testing perspective?

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What are the factors one need to consider while making the strategy for code coverage from testing perspective?
posted May 10, 2017 by Aahan Mozumdar

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1 Answer

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In the past we(dev) used to ask our test team to divide the testing in High impact features, medium impact features and low impact features. Where for high impact features we used to set the code coverage as 90% (function coverage not the line coverage) and for the medium impact about 75-90% and for low impact features about 50-60% code coverage.

I am not sure if looking for above information, please comment if your requirement is different.

answer May 10, 2017 by Salil Agrawal
Thanks for your response Salil.
This does gives me some direction.
But I have one more question with regard to coverage metrics.My understanding is that function coverage is more effective than line coverage.Is this true?But function coverage too will have its own disadvantages because the coverage will be 100% in case a function is called.In that case it won't cover all the lines within the function.So is there any way to handle this?
Yes function coverage is more effective then line coverage (in fresh code not in the support phase) assuming functions are not too big in the code. Most of the time companies have strict coding guidelines where we avoid big functions.
Not sure it answers your query.
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