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Docker : What is the fundamental difference between docker container and docker swarm ?

+2 votes
Docker : What is the fundamental difference between docker container and docker swarm ?
posted Jun 17, 2017 by Vikram Singh

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1 Answer

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Docker Swarm is a separate product which you can use to cluster multiple Docker hosts. Prior to Docker version 1.12 it was the only native Docker option for clustering hosts, and it needed a lot of additional setup for distributed state, service discovery and security.
It is a native clustering for Docker. The best part is that it exposes standard Docker API meaning that any tool that you used to communicate with Docker (Docker CLI, Docker Compose, Dokku, Krane, and so on) can work equally well with Docker Swarm.

Docker container is an open source software development platform. Its main benefit is to package applications in “containers,” allowing them to be portable among any system running the Linux operating system (OS).
Container technology has been around for a while, but momentum and hype around Docker’s approach to containers has pushed this approach to the forefront in the last year. It is one form of container technology.

answer Jun 17, 2017 by Amit Kumar Pandey
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