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Which property is used to underline, overline, and strikethrough text in CSS?

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Which property is used to underline, overline, and strikethrough text in CSS?
posted Jun 20, 2017 by Brajagopal Das

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1 Answer

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"Text-decoration" property is used for underline, overline, and strikethrough text in CSS.
The text-decoration property specifies the decoration to be added to the text.
The below code is used to add underline to all the words within the p tag

    text-decoration: underline;

The below code is used to add line above the text to all the words within the p tag.

    text-decoration: overline;

The below code is user to strikethrough the text in p tag.

        text-decoration: line-through;
answer Jun 21, 2017 by Satish Mn