logged in to rhel 6.4 using Putty using ssh. Installed the GNOME desktop environment, using this command:
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE Desktop"
Now, followed steps below:
- Run the following command to edit the /etc/inittab file: vi /etc/inittab
- Press the *I* key to enter insert mode.
- Find the line that includes the text initdefault. Change the numeral 3 to 5.
Type :wq and press the *Enter* key to save the file and exit the *vi* text editor.
Reboot the system using the reboot command. Your system will restart and present a graphical login
The problem is after reboot, grapghical login is not displayed. I tried running command vncserver got output:
New 'z3-9-5-126-154:2 (root)' desktop is z3-9-5-126-154:2
Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /root/.vnc/z3-9-5-126-154:2.log
now, from windows laptop, I am trying to connect using vnc viewer but not able to connect. Please help me how to launch GUI mode.