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Java: At what point is there a live connection between the client and the server and how are connections managed?

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Java: At what point is there a live connection between the client and the server and how are connections managed?
posted Sep 29, 2013 by Manish Negi

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1 Answer

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When a client does a lookup operation, a connection is made to the rmiregistry on the specified host. In general, a new connection may or may not be created for a remote call. Connections are cached by the Java RMI transport for future use, so if a connection is free to the right destination for a remote call, then it is used. A client cannot explicitly close a connection to a server, since connections are managed at the Java RMI transport level. Connections will time out if they are unused for a period of time.

answer Sep 30, 2013 by Arvind Singh