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What is Access point name and what it does in LTE/UMTS/GPRS network?

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What is Access point name and what it does in LTE/UMTS/GPRS network?
posted Jun 28, 2017 by Dani Tene

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2 Answers

+2 votes

APN is an gateway which will be used while accessing outside network like google etc. APN will allocate IP to an UE and it maintains all other outside router information to route to an outside network or an Internet.

answer Jun 28, 2017 by Jaganathan
0 votes

I am not aware about other technologies such as GSM, WCDMA but in LTE technology, APN stands for access point name. A subscriber may have subscribed for the different services offered by its service provider. Operator segregates their services and group them through APN. For example, when LTE user wants to access internet browsing, it makes connection with internet APN and when it wants to make VoLTE call, it makes connection with different APN. These different APN names are used by network to select different packet data network for different kind of services.

answer Feb 16, 2018 by Harshita
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