AngularJS help us create interactive applications. They provide things called directives in order to change the DOM and attach specific Angular behaviors to an element we specify.
ngClass directive : This directive lets us do things like,
Add/Remove classes based on Angular variables.
Add/Remove classes based on evaluated expressions.
Bind single or multiple classes based on dynamic data.
Some Points about ng-class:
The ng-class directive dynamically binds one or more CSS classes to an HTML element.
The value of the ng-class directive can be a string, an object, or an array.
If it is a string, it should contain one or more, space-separated class names.
As an object, it should contain key-value pairs, where the key is a Boolean value, and the value is the class name of the class you want to add. The class will only be added if the key is set to true.
Ex 1:
<div ng-class="{class1 : expression1, class2 : expression2}">
Hello World!
</div >
Here class1 will apply if the expression1 is true and class2 will apply if the expression2 is true.
Ex 2:
< div ng-class="{class1 : expression1, class2 : expression1}">
Hello World!
</div >
Here class1 and class2 will apply if the expression1 is true.
We can reduce the above code into,
< div ng-class="{'class1 class2' : expression1}">
Hello World!
< /div >
Ex 3:
< div data-ng-class="expression1 && 'class1' || 'class2'">
Hello World!
</div >
Here class1 will apply if the expression1 is true, otherwise class2 will apply.