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What is JDBC Transaction Management and why do we need it?

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What is JDBC Transaction Management and why do we need it?
posted Aug 31, 2017 by anonymous

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By default when we create a database connection, it runs in auto-commit mode. It means that whenever we execute a query and it’s completed, the commit is fired automatically. So every SQL query we fire is a transaction and if we are running some DML or DDL queries, the changes are getting saved into database after every SQL statement finishes.

Sometimes we want a group of SQL queries to be part of a transaction so that we can commit them when all the queries runs fine and if we get any exception, we have a choice of rollback all the queries executed as part of the transaction.

JDBC API provide method setAutoCommit(boolean flag) through which we can disable the auto commit feature of the connection. We should disable auto commit only when it’s required because the transaction will not be committed unless we call the commit() method on connection. Database servers uses table locks to achieve transaction management and it’s resource intensive process.

answer Sep 4, 2017 by Ayush Srivastav